
SQL-DATABASE-DATA-ERROR — Used to signal an error with the SQL data passed to a database.Condition Type

Class Precedence List

sql-database-data-error, sql-database-error, sql-error, simple-error, simple-condition, error, serious-condition, sql-condition, condition, t


This condition represents errors that occur while executing SQL statements, specifically as a result of malformed SQL expressions.

The following initialization arguments and accessors exist:

Initarg: :expression
Accessor: sql-error-expression
Description: The SQL expression whose execution caused the error.
Initarg: :database
Accessor: sql-error-database
Description: The database object that was involved in the incident.
Initarg: :error-id
Accessor: sql-error-error-id
Description: The numeric or symbolic error specification returned by the database back-end. The values and semantics of this are interface specific.
Initarg: :secondary-error-id
Accessor: sql-error-secondary-error-id
Description: The secondary numeric or symbolic error specification returned by the database back-end. The values and semantics of this are interface specific.
Initarg: :message
Accessor: sql-error-database-message
Description: A string describing the problem that occurred, possibly one returned by the database back-end.


The slot accessors sql-error-database and sql-error-expression are CLSQL extensions.