
QUERY — Execute an SQL query and return the tuples as a list.Generic Function


      query query-expression &key database result-types flatp field-names => result

Arguments and Values


An sql expression that represents an SQL query which is expected to return a (possibly empty) result set.


A database object. This will default to the value of *default-database*.


A Boolean whose default value is NIL.


A field type specifier. The default is :auto;.

The purpose of this argument is cause CLSQL to import SQL numeric fields into numeric Lisp objects rather than strings. This reduces the cost of allocating a temporary string and the CLSQL users' inconvenience of converting number strings into number objects.

A value of :auto causes CLSQL to automatically convert SQL fields into a numeric format where applicable. The default value of NIL causes all fields to be returned as strings regardless of the SQL type. Otherwise a list is expected which has a element for each field that specifies the conversion. Valid type identifiers are:

:int Field is imported as a signed integer, from 8-bits to 64-bits depending upon the field type.
:double Field is imported as a double-float number.
t Field is imported as a string.

If the list is shorter than the number of fields, the a value of t is assumed for the field. If the list is longer than the number of fields, the extra elements are ignored.


A boolean with a default value of T. When T, this function returns a second value of a list of field names. When NIL, this function only returns one value - the list of rows.


A list representing the result set obtained. For each tuple in the result set, there is an element in this list, which is itself a list of all the attribute values in the tuple.


Executes the SQL query expression query-expression, which may be an SQL expression or a string, on the supplied database which defaults to *default-database*. result-types is a list of symbols which specifies the lisp type for each field returned by query-expression.

If result-types is NIL all results are returned as strings whereas the default value of :auto means that the lisp types are automatically computed for each field.

field-names is T by default which means that the second value returned is a list of strings representing the columns selected by query-expression. If field-names is NIL, the list of column names is not returned as a second value.

flatp has a default value of NIL which means that the results are returned as a list of lists.If FLATP is T and only one result is returned for each record selected by query-expression, the results are returned as elements of a list.


(query "select emplid,first_name,last_name,height from employee where emplid = 1")
=> ((1 "Vladimir" "Lenin" 1.5564661d0)), 
   ("emplid" "first_name" "last_name" "height")

(query "select emplid,first_name,last_name,height from employee where emplid = 1" 
       :field-names nil)
=> ((1 "Vladimir" "Lenin" 1.5564661d0))

(query "select emplid,first_name,last_name,height from employee where emplid = 1" 
       :field-names nil
       :result-types nil)
=> (("1" "Vladimir" "Lenin" "1.5564661"))

(query "select emplid,first_name,last_name,height from employee where emplid = 1" 
       :field-names nil
       :result-types '(:int t t :double))
=> ((1 "Vladimir" "Lenin" 1.5564661))

(query "select last_name from employee where emplid > 5" :flatp t)
=> ("Andropov" "Chernenko" "Gorbachev" "Yeltsin" "Putin"), 

(query "select last_name from employee where emplid > 10" 
       :flatp t 
       :field-names nil)
=> NIL

Side Effects

Whatever effects the execution of the SQL query has on the underlying database, if any.

Affected by


Exceptional Situations

If the execution of the SQL query leads to any errors, an error of type sql-database-error is signalled.

See Also



The field-names and result-types keyword arguments are a CLSQL extension.